Initially, you can select the targeted customer segments from Smart-I database before performing the marketing activities. Smart-I applied the E-DM Blasting service for maximizing the campaign exposure to all of the targeted customers. Since not all the data prospects have been noticed from the E-DM advertisement, Smart-I will deploy the telemarketers to reach the selected customers within the period of time for highlighting the strength and advantage of your events or products/ services to customers.
This practice could largely reinforce your campaign acknowledgement and response rate. For better service, if your campaign is event/ seminar invitation, we can provide additional service for reminding the participants 1 week prior to the event date. If your campaign is for generating the sales prospects, Smart-I shall provide the Quality Assurance to ensure our service standard is first-rated.
Smart-I Unified TM Package aims to mix the channels of E-DM Blasting Service and Telemarketing Service for acquiring the highest marketing exposure and response rate. With the backbone of Smart-I qualified database, you could use this service for undergoing your event/ seminar invitation or generating the sales prospects for your products/ services.
For details of Unified TM Package, please contact us at 2110 3910 or by e-mail to