Smart-I Database Solutions & Services provides the
comprehensive solutions in database acquisition, cleaning, integration and de-duplication service to
our customers.
Customers can acquire the useful database from Smart-I services, and can clean up their in-house
database to increase the data accuracy and quality. By reducing the invalid data, customers can
acquire more accurate
market trend to make better business decisions for increasing their
Database-chain Management:
In addition, sourcing or maintaining the database could be complicated,
costly and long-lasting process. Smart-I developed the database-chain management for facilitating our customers with
effective workflow for database management and rejuvenation. The database-chain management can be illustrated in
the diagram.
A lot of advertisers allocate huge amount of advertisement budget for
reaching all the public audience. However, this could be very
low Return of Investment (ROI) and not effective if their products or services
is only for specific group of targeted customers. Thus, database marketing provides the effective method to reach the
targeted customers with high ROI. By applying several
selection criteria in the database, customers can reach the targeted customers
out of the public data with lower advertisement cost.
Smart-I commence 3 types of Database Solution & Services to assure the best marketing solutions to you. They are shown as below.
1. Database Purchase & Rental
2. Database Cleaning & Enrichment
3. Database Acquisition